Story Massage – Coming Soon!
These classes combine easy to follow massage strokes with spoken word to create an engaging story for children and adults of any age, ability and personality.

These sessions are great as a natural progression from either of our Tummy Time or Baby Massage courses. They can also be perfect for those who are new to Bristol Baby Massage with children who are aged 10 weeks plus.
Each week there will be a new theme with related props for you and your child to enjoy including:
– Teddy Bears’ Picnic
– Outer Space
– Under the Sea
…and many more!
What are the benefits of Story Massage?
– It’s an enjoyable way for families and friends to connect and bond.
– It helps to create a wider vocabulary for children.
– Aids relaxation for both mind and body
– Encourages children to develop their own imagination and create their own story massages.
– It’s a sociable way of meeting other parents/carers and children in a relaxed setting.
– It’s just great fun!
Classes will be available soon. Please check my Instagram or contact me using the form on the Home page for more information.